Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Question regarding trigger guns:
I have had several customers complain to me about their operators wiring the guns open on the wash rack and leaving them running and what the dangers are. There are a couple of reasons that you should not leave the gun on when not using it, wired or not. They are as follows:
Safety: Gun control is for the protection of the user. Having a trigger locked in open position with 3,000 psi is incredibly dangerous. Back in the day when I was a contract cleaner using this equipment I had a layer of skin ripped off me with the spray from not being careful and almost lost a toe with a working gun. Pressure washer operators not only need steel toed boots, protective clothing and eye wear but need to have the equipment operating in its intended form. All equipment we sell is certified to UL1776 Specs. If you modify that by wiring the gun open, using a non certified hose without the proper length of hose guard on it, etc. you are opening yourself up to a lawsuit should the operator get hurt.

Maintenance & Wear & Tear: You are going to not only be wasting water you will be having the machine take on unnecessary stress. When the gun is on the off position the pump goes into bypass and the heater shuts off therefore saving fuel as well as wear on the burner motor. The best thing to do if you are going to stop washing for more than 3-4 minutes is to cool the machine down by turning off the burner first, then turning off the machine when the wand is lukewarm to the touch. This prevents thermal expansion in the coils, which are one of the most expensive components on the machine and reduces wear on the unloader, etc. The bottom line is that modifying equipment puts you as an Owner, Manager or Supervisor in a compromised position. You need to make sure that all operators are using as specified with every piece of equipment for yours and their safety.

Thanks for reading. Greg

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Landa is back with new designs/products!

Lately the new products coming out from manufacturers have been few and far between because of the economy, corporate mergers and scarce management resources. So it was a pleasure to attend a recent Landa Regional Dealer Show in Nashville Tennessee and hear about some major new developments in new products as well as go over the heritage that has made this brand the strongest in the industry for the past 40 years.

Landa has had a lot of firsts in the cleaning equipment industry and a few are as follows:
First to have the entire line certified to the UL1776 standard.
First to have multiple language labels on their equipment.
First to use electrostatic powder coat baked paint on all their frames.
First factory in our industry to have ISO9001 Certification.

Some of the new products coming out this month are:

A re-designed HOT Series oil fired electric powered hot water portable pressure washer with a list price of under $2,800.00 that includes a three piston heavy duty pump with a limited seven year warranty and a five year coil warranty with a national dealer network. How about a TEFC (totally enclosed fan cooled motor) that had dealers standing up and cheering. It is lighter and looks great. No one else can match it feature for feature for the price.

A redesigned PHW Series machine that was already the envy of the industry and copied frequently. Now it has Snap and Go technology so you can easily add time dealy shutdown in the field or a steam valve or auto start stop. We can stock the base unit and option up saving the dealers inventory dollars as well as the customer. Thick poly molded fuel tanks, water tight electrical box, cup and tool holder and lighter weight and beefier look will make this unit tough to beat in the coming year and solidify the unit once again as King of the Hill in the portable electric market.

Another new product offering was the TRV pressure wash trailer with fold away tongue, 300 gallon tank, hose reels, wand holder, filter, electrostatic powder coat paint and priced at under $3,000.00. Add one of the newly re-designed Landa skids and you have a great system ready to do battle in this dirty world.

A brand new line of cold water units with different versions of direct and belt drive pumps called the PD Series to compete with the big box stores. Unlike the competition however you get dealer support, warranty and no need to keep the box for not much more than the box stores charge. Pretty exciting.

Celebrating 40 years this year with the strongest dealer network in the industry is a good reason to invest your hard earned equipment dollars in a brand that has staying power, is out front of the competition and gives you the support you need.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Soaps-Detergents-Chemicals and the impact they have on your equipment.

One of the things that always fascinates me is when people buy a very high end quality piece of equipment and then use whatever soap or detergent the door to door salesperson happens to offer the lowest price on.

Whether it is a car wash, pressure washer, parts washer or water treatment system the quality manufacturers of this equipment have basic guidelines to follow when using cleaners in the products.

With pressure washers, soaps with formulations meant to not scale up coils and to work in conjunction with down stream injectors or hot water are important. Many customers run soap through the pumps and coils causing premature damage and unnecessary expense to the equipment by trying to save a few dollars. The right application system and the right detergent can help you clean better and also save you costly repairs.

With aqueous parts washers made with a mild steel cabinet, detergent takes on even more importance. You need to have a soap with a rust inhibitor to protect the cabinet and the parts from flash rusting. In other words, using a detergent not made for you specific washer type will cause major issues.

With water treatment systems depending on the type, soap can be a huge issue. Most recycling systems need to have a low foaming emulsified detergent as aeration and solids precipitation are major functions of the systems. Getting the solids and oils to separate as well as not have foaming issues that can damage electrical equipment are the primary reasons for choosing a detergent that is made for your system. Unfortunately, they are more expensive than your local blender is tempting you with. However, almost any wash rack going through a recycle system or discharging to sewer through an interceptor will see much better results with a detergent made for reclaim systems. Total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and total suspended solids (TSS) can be immediately improved with the right detergent.

In car and truck washes, soaps protect vehicles and equipment and are made to work with certain models. Touchless car washes are much more dependent on the right combination of low and high pH formulas. Friction washes need soaps that have specifically blended lubricants to keep brushes and foam pads working smoothly on your vehicle. With the capital expense made on these systems why run the cheapest detergents you can find through them. Cost per car is the most informative measure. Not how much the individual drum is. Usually the higher end manufacturers have concentrated solution to make sure you have less space in the equipment room with bette results. Built in conditioners and softeners are more expensive but give better results.

In other words, buy your detergents from professionals who are familiar with your equipment and the specific ways it can operate better. Usually the best sources are people you purchased the equipment from as they have a vested interest in making sure you are satisifed with the equipment and are usually the ones servicing and warrantying it. They too have a vested long term interest in your satisfaction and in many cases the less detergent you use the better. You wont be hearing that from your door to door soap salesperson.

Thanks for reading.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Environmental Business Getting Stronger

I am glad to report that activity around wash water systems has really started to pick up. Closed loop wash rack recycling systems have always been a passion of mine and the Water Maze line of products is getting stronger and stronger. We have some great new technologies using coagulation and flocculation as well as indexing paper filters and more modular components to keep the costs and maintenance down on the systems. Mechanical filtration works very well but has limitations on the waste streams and has higher consumable and maintenance cost than the new systems coming out. Recycling water will always have costs associated with it to re-use the water over and over but I am very pleased with the advances in technology and what the future holds for our industry. This product line keep getting better and better.
Check out our updated page on water treatment at
Thanks for reading.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How not to do business in the new economy

I am having an experience with my uniform supplier whom I have apparently had a contract with for the last 5 years. In the past five years we have had the same uniforms with the same outdated logos and the same worn out uniforms. We have been overcharged for things we did not need, had price increases on things we did not even know we had and even were charged for renting things we owned! As a business owner who provides a service I have sympathy for mistakes, even poor communication but when the contract was up the company told us that we needed to give them 90 days notice in writing or it renewed for approximately 3 more years at at least 70% of our current service.

When telling them we wanted to cancel, they kept coming and would not stop, they kept delivering uniforms even though we had purchased our own and were having the techs wash them themselves. When I saw how much we were paying for shop towels and seeing them lay all over the shop we started purchasing heavier duty disposable ones. They got an attorney and came up with a number of 70% of our current service in a year to settle.

Now being in the service business with written agreements, we understand that both parties have to be happy and in our agreements you can cancel anytime. We also have services we have canceled in the name of saving money and then returned to using them again. Like @Road GPS in our trucks and our janitorial services in our stores. We found out we needed them and came back to them. We also have had many customers come back to us or new ones where people who have serviced them are out of business and their equipment is not running as well as it was when it was being serviced every frequently. Some customers have service less frequently that are on contracts as they are slow and we understand. We are in the relationship for the long haul. We see the big picture.

In this case, the vendor is forcing us to do business with them. We did sign a contract and we did not see that we had to give them 90 days. That is our responsibility. They did however offer to re-sign us with a one year for much less service and when we decided not to do that the gloves came off. It is incredible in the age where we are looking inward to how we can become a better vendor that companies still operate like this or can even survive.

Companies have to provide a benefit to their customers. We hope that you find doing business with SCE valuable and productive and that our relationship enhances your business. If not, we wont get attorneys involved or hold you to a contract. We will just try to improve and get better. We need you, the customer or we dont survive. We have made many changes in the last six months and learned a ton through out this experience. There are things we do well and areas we need to improve. Like many compnaies we are a better, stronger company for looking inward. But nothing matters if you arent seeing value and dont need us. Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Aqueous Parts Washer Maintenance Tips

Here are some tips to reduce money on the aqueous automatic parts washer you have in your shop or facility:
  • Use the right detergent in your mild steel cabinet that contains rust inhibitor to avoid flash rusting. Yep, we sell it.
  • Make sure and check and clean the nozzles in your parts washer monthly. Debris can get stuck in the orifices and affect the cleaning power of the washer. You would be surprised how often we run into this.
  • Clean your washer’s tank regularly to avoid solids buildup as well check and clean chip trays for better performance. We don't make the dirt disappear.
  • Make sure and check any heater & oil skimmer timers to make sure you are only skimming at night when the water is cooler, which helps the oil skim better. Also make sure heater timers are on one hour before work starts and set to turn off at the end of the day so electricity is not wasted and you are up and running when you need to be.

Hope these help. Wash on.

Maintenance Tips for Pressure Washers

I get asked alot by customers coming in about maintenance tips on washers, here are a few that could save you some money:

  • Always make sure when using the washer to keep the trigger gun open and do not open and close the trigger repeatedly. This causes premature wear of the unloader.
  • Make sure and check your nozzle. Surprisingly it is most often the least expensive and easiest way to get your pressure up. Make sure and use the right one for your specific washer or you can do damage to the pump.
  • Cool it down. I know that this is repeated often but it worth repeating. Not cooling the washer down before turning it off expands the coil and can cause premature failure over time. It also causes premature wear on the pump seals and packings.
  • Use a downstream injector on your washer. Do not run soap through the coil and pump. Soap salesman love to tell you it is the best way. It is for them. We also get more repairs. Use soap downstream of the washer. It is a $50.00 item that can save you alot of money.

Hope these help. Wash on.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dual Gun Setup on a Pressure Washer Facts

I have alot of people ask me about setting up two guns on a pressure washer. In years past, it did not make sense to purchase one large machine that would handle two guns as the cost was the price of two complete skids. However, with the advent of the Landa SLT-SLX high volume pressure washers, that has changed. These units are not that much more expensive than a single skid and with volumes of 8 and 10 gpm you can now afford to have that two gun system you were looking for.

With a two gun setup you split the gallons per minute (gpm), not the psi of the total rated output of the washer. So two guns on an 8 gpm washer means you will have (2) 4 gpm @ 3000 psi outputs. Putting dual guns on any unit below 8 gpm does not make sense. The Landa SLT-SLX units have much larger 3/4" heating coils and unlike other competitors 8 gpm units, they put out much hotter water all day long with the larger coils and heaters. Larger frames with 2" x 2" powder coated steel handle the load.

You need to have a different type of unloader to handle the two guns but now instead of spending double the money for two skids on a trailer or truck, you can add about 20% and have the two gun setup you were looking for. Bigger, beefier and more productive. Call us and we will build it for you. Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Landa's New PGDC & PGHW Re-Designs

As a 17 year Landa dealer and a 10 year Landa user, I am always interested in the evolution of the Landa skids. I firmly believe they are the best looking units in the industry hands down. The new PGDC (12V) and PGHW (120V) are no exception. With the side mounted controls, black crinkle powder coat paint, mounting tabs, stainless top with black bottoms they just look ready to do battle and they do. Landa has always over spec'ed their engines and pumps and these units are no exceptions. Big, beefy brass heads and large crank case capacities make these units sing. No wonder these are the best selling skids in the industry.

New Blog from Greg Sprunk, President

Welcome to the SCE Blog. We would like this to be an area for questions about our company, products, cleaning issues and updates on what we are doing in our industry. We hope to include videos, Q & A, and information about our equipment and services. Please feel free to ask questions and comments. thanks for visiting our site!
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